Jordan is a beautiful country to visit. There are so many of the best places that are dotted all across the country from Umm Qais to Aqaba.
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Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city of contrasts โ a unique blend of old and new, ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley.
It may be one of the oldest cities on the planet, in fact. Archaeological evidence suggests that what is now Amman witnessed human settlement as early as the 13th century BC. It was also established on the surface of our world so long ago that it features in the Bible (as Rabbath Ammon).
The city's modern buildings blend with the remnants of ancient civilizations. The profusion of gleaming white houses, old souks, kebab stalls with roasting meat, and tiny cafes where rich Arabian coffee is sipped in the afternoon sunshine, conjure a mood straight from a thousand and one nights.
Amman now is the capital and most populous city of Jordan as well as the countryโs economic, political and cultural center. It has about 4 million people.
What can you Experience in Amman?
What are the best places to eat there?
What else you can do there?