Jordan is a beautiful country to visit. There really are so many of the best places that are dotted all across the country from Umm Qais to Aqaba.
Explore our interactive map with top attractions and places to visit and book a day tour to get to the heart of your destination!
Just 30 km from Amman, along the Kings´ Highway, is one of the most memorable places in the Holy Land. Madaba (known as the “City of Mosaics”), city of 100,000 has one of Jordan's largest Christian communities Founded 4,500 years ago, Madaba flourished during the Byzantine era as a regional center of religious life before being destroyed in an earthquake in the 8th century AD.
Best known for its spectacular Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, Madaba is home to the famous 6th century Mosaic Map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land (St George’s Church) With two million pieces of vividly coloured local stone, it depicts hills and valleys, villages and towns as far as the Nile Delta. There are also others in different parts of the town, several of them even more complete and vibrantly colourful.
What can you Experience in Madaba?
What are the best places to eat there?
What else you can do there?